All new Injustice 2 Black Canary walkthrough video showcases her deadly up close combat ability and unrivaled Canary Cry.
The amazing team at Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment continue to entice and tease us with even more Injustice 2 footage. This video is an in-depth look at Black Canary. Black Canary is one of the baddest hand-to-hand combatants in the DC Universe. Aside from her Canary Cry, she is not an enhanced being, so she has had to adapt to global threats using superior combat ability. My favorite incarnation of her is from Justice League Unlimited which I feel not only captured her awesome fighting skills but, her love of a good fight as well. Her Young Justice incarnation was also another great embodiment and Sarah Lance as Canary on Arrow was great. But probably her most well-known incarnation of Laurel Lance on Arrow was a huge disappointment. Her progression was extremely rushed, and she never seemed managed to have the commanding presence that Canary usually embodies. The sadder part being that she had that presence when the show began, but lost it and never gained it back as Canary. But, back to Injustice 2.
The Injustice 2 Black Canary seems like the type of character I choose in fighting games (Smash not included… DK All Day!). In more complex fighting games, especially the Mortal Kombat-style system, I do not fare well. I cannot worry about canceling mid-combo, long complicated strings of combos, that’s too much work. If I’m going to learn something that complicated I’ll learn the periodic table or how code. Canary is an up close brawler with evasive moves to close the gap and counter moves. Counter moves are my favorite. You learn to counter and build from there. Her moves are very fluid, each opening move allowing for variation and they can also come from anywhere. Black Canary is looking to be one of the higher tier characters, as she rightfully should be.
Injustice 2 is set to release May 16, 2017 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
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