When Captain America throws his mighty shield. All those who chose to oppose his shield must yield. Unless of course, you’re Iron Man and half of the Avengers…then it’s Civil War!
The best superhero movie of 2016 is out now on Blu-ray and now you can relive it at home from the comfort of your own couch. The best part? You can pause it when you like, text and talk on the phone throughout the entire movie without bothering other patrons and most importantly, get all the behind the scenes stuff you were hoping for!
Personally, I like to start with the bonus features, especially the gag reel, which has become a big part of the Marvel Universe disc sets. For example, this clip shown below:
What’s more there are deleted and extended scenes that enhance the movie experience but were obviously cut for time. Although, let’s be honest, it is pretty hard to improve on these Captain America movies.
The bonus features include three documentaries and an extended preview of Doctor Strange (making all this alone worth buying the Blu-ray). Follow how Captain America went from pipsqueak to powerhouse in the feature United We Stand, Divided We Fall – The Making of Captain America: Civil War. It delves into the comics and the evolution how the Super Soldier became the Superhero we all needed him to be, pulling people on either side of the party lines to believe he represents them.
In Captain America: The Road to Civil War we see how Cap goes from loyal soldier to free thinker and why he needed to defend the rights of others by going against the authority that he viewed as tyrannical.
Even Iron Man gets his moment in the sun as we examine through the featurette, Iron Man: The Road to Civil War. We see Tony Stark’s struggles in dealing with the death of his parents, transforming from an egomaniac into a tyrant posted as altruistic in order to help society as it boosts his own self-worth.
Captain America: Civil War is a must own Marvel movie and parent company Disney has not disappointed its fans yets.
Captain America: Civil War is out today and it is up to you to pick a side, #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan?
- Overall Score
The Verdict
Captain America: Civil War is a must own for any Marvel and Disney fan who enjoys the MCU.