by R.C. Samo
Rarely does an adaptation of an already great story do any justice to the original work. However, sometimes the stars align and when an equally talented writer comes along, enhancing what was set before him, the audience is graced with Superman Unbound.
Based on the best selling graphic novel Superman Brainiac by DC Entertainment co-publisher, Geoff Johns, Superman Unbound expands the complex relationship revolving around The Superman Family between cousins Kal-El (Matt Bomer) and Kara-El (Molly Quinn), her adjustment to Earth and longing to be home; all-the-while, Kal-El aka Superman aka Clark Kent has to find a balance between being savior of the world and balancing a romantic private life with Lois Lane (Stana Katic).
The only person who could have taken on such a task in turning a short story into a full-length animated feature was none-other than Bob Goodman, Warner Bros. go-to guy for Superhero stories bringing them to life for Blu-Ray and DVD.
“The metaphor I come to use is that he (Geoff Johns) paved a really great highway and I got to drive on that highway taking little side trips and find new little subplots and visit this park or the beach over here, so this is the Clark/Lois relationship or his (Superman) issues with not knowing what it’s like to live on Krypton and then finally back to the highway and get where Johns was going,” said Goodman about adapting the graphic novel for feature.
Goodman’s writing was only matched with the amazing cast brought together by legendary voice director, Andrea Romano (Snork’s, Smurfs, Batman the Animated Series, Superman, Justice League). Romano’s ear is so tuned to voices that listening to the sincerity these actors bring to their respective roles, one almost forgets they are watching an animated feature.
“Matt (Bomer) has got a vulnerable quality that I think is key for Superman. I think there has to be a strength to Superman but there has got to be a sensitivity that you don’t get to see in a lot of other Superhero characters…but with Superman you have to have the idea that he could be in love with Lois Lane and he’s not afraid to extend that emotion. Matt has that,” said Romano about her leading man.
Like all of the other DC Entertainment adaptations, Superman Unbound does not disappoint. John Noble’s portrayal of Brainiac surpassed any expectations fans could have rogue, while Bomer’s sincerity and love for this character make him a believable Man of Steel. Lois Lane and Supergirl are drawn to look like Katic and Quinn, whose interaction is the true foundation of this story.
While the characters on the screen are animated with very sharp angles, the images will be overlooked for such an amazing story and acting worthy of a live action adaptation. Goodman and Romano have yet to fail their audience and it looks like they won’t let down the DC/Warner Bros. fans for a long time to come.
Released May 7, 2013, Superman Unbound is one that needed to be added to the DC Entertainment home library.