My favorite Star Wars characters are ordered like this; Yoda is the top guy, Darth Vader is a close second, and then there’s Chewbacca… This is something that’s more of a recent development, actually. I always used to tell people I liked Luke Skywalker the best, and then I started digging Han Solo because really how could you not? Chewbacca has just really appealed to me in recent years; he’s a stoic ball of fur that’s 7ft tall. We don’t need to know exactly what he’s saying, we can get a clear picture from his facial movements and the volume of his howls. Anything complex and we conveniently have Han Solo or another basic speaking character to translate. I’m just digging Chewbacca at this point in my life, no real rhyme or reason behind it. I loved the previous issues of Star Wars: Rebel Heist and when issue #2 ended with the reveal that Chewie would be the focus, I was incredibly excited to read #3.
Well, after reading the book I appreciate Chewbacca even more! His rookie character is a former soldier for the Empire turned DNA Key, and through his narration we can gather he was a Clone Trooper. He starts out with absolute disdain for Chewbacca making comments about how wookies smell and they’re just giant, loud dogs barking and shedding fur all over the place. My only gripe with this issue is that the transition seems to quick and forced; in the previous issues we have a rookie that looks up to Han and we see how his opinions could drastically change. Issue #2 had a character that made a change to her preconceived notions after she witnessed Leia make a sacrifice. In this issue we just see Chewbacca go all über bad ass on some fools and BAM! Our Soldier now has a newfound appreciation for not only Chewbacca, but the Wookie race in general. I’m just not buying that change as much as I bought it when the other characters went through it.
This is the most action packed issue hands down, it starts off epic and it continues on through. So far we have Han Solo down, Princess Leia imprisoned, and Chewbacca and the soldier in quite a dire dilemma. What classic character is the next to be featured? I’m sure you can figure it out. Matt Kindt is crushing it with his dialogue, and Marco Castiello, Dan Parsons, and Gabe Eltaeb are all doing a fine job with the art. I cannot recommend this series enough to any Star Wars fans out there, it’s severely depressing we’re almost done with this exceptional series.
Writer: Matt Kindt
Penciller: Marco Castiello
Inker: Dan Parsons
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Artist: Matt Kindt