The Latest ‘Nathan for You’ Features Three New Schemes, Including One Unforgettable Moment

GameStop, Inc.


Last week for the season premiere of Nathan for You, Nathan Fielder pulled off one of his most elaborate schemes in an attempt to help a small electronics store to compete with the larger retailers. It was an episode that had all the hilarity and heart that has come to define Nathan for You over the course of its first two seasons. For the latest episode of its third season, Nathan for You has Fielder attempting three different schemes in an attempt to help three different businesses with one in particular standing out as one of the funniest things that Nathan for You has ever done.

At a ranch on the outskirts of Malibu, Nathan Fielder attempts is a way for overweight people to participate in horseback riding. The proprietor of the ranch won’t allow anyone over 220 pounds to ride a horse due to the potential danger of grave injury to the animal. Nathan’s plan involves using massive weather balloons filled with helium to alleviate the weight being placed on the horse’s back, but there are a number of obstacles along the trail that Nathan must try to conquer – trees, predator birds, and the snickering stares of other thinner riders. Seeking the advice from a gun store employee about his potential bird problem yields hilarious results, as Nathan’s good-willed questions rubs the employee the wrong way. It’s another example of how Nathan Fielder’s awkward demeanor and earnest approach coaxes genuine reactions from people, finding the comedy in the reactions of people that isn’t rooted in grossing them out or just irritating them to the edge.

The second scheme finds Nathan trying to provide a sanctuary for men shopping with their girlfriends in a store. In the backroom, Nathan crafts a room specifically catered to men, with sports memorabilia lining the walls and royalty free football playing on the television. The plan doesn’t take hold as planned, as the men invited into the backroom find themselves quickly bored by the reruns of Canadian football and quietly enjoying a cheap beer that Nathan inadvertently shakes up. It’s when Nathan guides the conversation towards sex that the men begin to stay longer and frankly open up about their sexual preferences. In their honesty, these men open up about some preferences that might be better left unsaid to a stranger, let alone a stranger with a team of cameras.

Finally, Nathan takes on a venture to start a bold new line of winter wear after learning that one his favorite clothing brands had donated to a Holocaust denying speaker. This unfortunate fact inspires Nathan to create a new brand that will never deny the horrors of the Holocaust, ensuring that all its employees right down to the models are unwilling to deny the Holocaust. To guarantee that his advertising campaign is properly sensitive, Nathan enlists the help of a Los Angeles rabbi before trying to set up a display in a local sporting goods store. The resulting display is shocking and hilarious, lacking in taste or subtlety and finding itself being one of the most stunningly hilarious moments in the history of Nathan for You.

Unlike last week’s episode where the entire ball was rolling from start to finish, this week’s episode has a lot more being set up before paying off. That being said, however, each segment has its memorable moments with the episode capped off with the stunning sporting goods display that you’ll never forget. Nathan for You continues to be a comedy show without peers and one of the funniest programs television.

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