Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 Review

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 review – He-Man reminds the world it’s his show, but now with more developed characters

Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 (MOTU Revelation) picks up where Part 1 left off, and like the show’s subtitle proclaims, a lot is revealed. The show reveals Teela’s origin, Evil-Lyn’s origin, and what happened to the rest of Eternia after He-Man’s death. But it also reveals that the Power Sword was the conduit for the power of He-Man, but Adam was always the spark. Mild spoiler, for those who haven’t watched the trailer, when Adam calls for the power without the Power Sword, he becomes Savage He-Man.

Part 2 is very dark, and the first episode features some fates that are worse than death. Continuing and enhancing the sentiments of Part 1 of MOTU Revelation, the show continues to feel like a natural progression of the franchise. The characters are much more developed and have tremendous depth. The artwork is fantastic and enhanced by the fluid and adrenaline-pumping animation. The story continues to develop and tie in so many fringe aspects of the franchise. It is a masterpiece example of a franchise growing up that I hope more “nostalgic” properties follow Revelations lead. IDW does a great job of it with their comics and Voltron: Legendary Defender is another shining example.

Without giving any notable spoilers away, that were not already revealed in the trailers, the story expands to an epic scale in Part 2. Skelegod ups the ante and brings out some of the worst and best of the other characters. The stakes are high and the magnitude is felt throughout all five episodes of Part 2. The amount of progression and story in 5 30-minute episodes is truly impressive. Adam, Teela, Andra, and Evil-Lyn have incredible advancements in their characters. Evil-Lyn’s is the stand out among them with her complexity and Lena Headey’s powerful performance. But I also want to note, that Prince Adam has never been more of a hero than he is in Part 2. He is complex and flawed which serves to enhance his heroics. There’s a reason the franchise is centered on him, and it has never felt more deserved. Personally, until this, I would have said Man at Arms/Duncan was the real hero.

Fans of the franchise will likely be elated by the inclusion of more Masters of the Universe Champions like Fisto and Clamp Champ. But what is sure to make everyone go nuts, I believe even those who despite Revelation, is Savage He-Man. Savage He-Man is pretty much power incarnate. It is an absolute thrill to watch him molly whop everyone dumb enough to stand up to him. The animation for his fight scenes is top-tier. I would equate it to MHA: World Hereos Mission.  Gorgeously colored, flawlessly fluid, it is a profound spectacle of the medium. The only drawback, and this is very personal, it felt like Broly. It just didn’t feel unique. Then after the fight, he felt like Hulk. It’s the only lull in the series, and it is probably a lot asking for more, but it just felt kind of lackluster because of its familiarity.

MOTU Revelation Part 2

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Part 2 (L to R) Chris Wood as He-Man and Mark Hamill as Skeletor in Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Part 2. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2021

With all that said, it seems almost unjust to not mention the huge backlash the series has received from “fans” who tend to have an entitled sense of ownership over the franchise. There were a number of comments of my review of Part 1, all over the internet, and I’m sure my MOTU Revelation Part 2 review could draw some of the same ire. Regardless, I am still completely okay with Revelation ruining their childhood. I respect not liking the series and my writing, it’s part of the job and the world. Me liking something doesn’t make it good. Things could be good and unliked. I am also known to love stupid things. I respect the opinions and would love to discuss them. But I also thoroughly enjoy it when the crybabies lose it over any sort of change, especially how vitriolic they get if inclusion and diversity are involved; the type to use woke like it’s an insult. If you care that much, why aren’t you putting yourself in a position to create the content or in place to prevent it from being something you don’t like? Get that privileged entitlement TFOH and EAD. Personally, I think the series is going in a direction that the whiners wanted, it just took some time to develop the other characters to add gravitas to everything. If you don’t think so, I’d love to discuss it. I don’t believe there’s a right or wrong, it’s art. I’m game to talk it out, or if you want to attack me, my Twitter is @fenixdy and the comment section is down below.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 continue the genius culmination of the He-Man franchise into a mature and evolving story. The feeling that a show from one’s past caught up to their level of age, maturity, and sophistication permeates the entire series. Themes of tackling one’s past, recognizing the flaws of someone they have devoted their lives to, and realizing the power of acceptance, are experienced by the characters and shared with the audience. The depth of emotion and the scope of the story told in just 10 episodes is truly astounding. The only my only critique in Part 2 is Savage He-Man, as awesome he was, just felt like other characters who have kind of been there did that already. There is nothing bad about it, it’s just kind of lackluster in comparison. It adds a lot to the lore of Adam, but just didn’t quite win me over. Outside of that, Part 2 was phenomenal and I truly believe can win many fans over. This  Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 review gets a 4/5.


Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2


Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 continue the genius culmination of the He-Man franchise into a mature and evolving story. The feeling that a show from one’s past caught up to their level of age, maturity, and sophistication permeates the entire series. Themes of tackling one’s past, recognizing the flaws of someone they have devoted their lives to, and realizing the power of acceptance, are experienced by the characters and shared with the audience. The depth of emotion and the scope of the story told in just 10 episodes is truly astounding. The only my only critique in Part 2 is Savage He-Man, as awesome he was, just felt like other characters who have kind of been there did that already. There is nothing bad about it, it’s just kind of lackluster in comparison. It adds a lot to the lore of Adam, but just didn’t quite win me over. Outside of that, Part 2 was phenomenal and I truly believe can win many fans over.

User Review
2 (4 votes)
Anytime Costumes


  1. BBaby_xx November 24, 2021 Reply
    • Avatar photo Kevin Fenix November 24, 2021 Reply
  2. BBaby_xx November 24, 2021 Reply
    • Avatar photo Kevin Fenix November 24, 2021 Reply
  3. Avatar photo Kevin Fenix November 23, 2021 Reply
  4. Anon November 18, 2021 Reply
  5. James November 18, 2021 Reply
    • Avatar photo Kevin Fenix November 18, 2021 Reply

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