‘Honk For Jesus’ Shows the Hypocrisy of Mega Churches and the Theft of Christianity

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Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ Shows the Hypocrisy of Mega Churches in the United States and the Theft of Christianity.

Trinitie Childs (Regina Hall) and Pastor Lee-Curtis Childs (Sterling K. Brown) in ‘Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul’ from Focus Features

Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ Shows the Hypocrisy of Mega Churches in the United States and the Theft of Christianity.

“You fast, but Satan does not eat. You labor fervently, but Satan never sleeps. The only dimension with which you can outperform Satan is by acquiring humility, for Satan has no humility,” St. Moses the Ethiopian c. 4th Century A.D. Feast Day, August 28.

In quoting St. Moses the Ethiopian so close to his Feast Day, as a theologian focused on Eastern Christianity, I am often perplexed by the notion of these, “humble brags” of, “I am so blessed,” or “The Lord has blessed me!” theology. It instantly reminds me of the parable of The Publican and the Pharisee in the Gospel According to St. Luke 18:9-14, where the clerk stands up boastful in the front of the temple thanking God for all his blessings and righteous he is in all that he does for the Lord. All-the-while, the Publican, the horrid tax collector stands in the back, head held down in shame begging for God’s mercy, humbling himself. ‘Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ puts a modern spin on this ancient parable.

Satirizing the Mega Churches of the United States ‘Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ shines a light on the prosperity preachers (I’m looking at you Joel Osteen), who con hardworking, faithful people out of millions of dollars annually because Jesus wants you to be rich.

A prime example of a charlatan clergymen, “Bishop” Lamor Whitehead, head the Leaders of Tomorrow International Churches, with his wife were robbed at gun point in Brooklyn, NY of more than $1 million worth of jewelry during a live streaming of their, “service.”

In ‘Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ we follow the scandalized Pastor Lee-Curtis Childs (Sterling K. Brown) after his dark behaviors are revealed in the light. Pastor Lee-Curtis has a “revelations” to make a comeback by reopening the church on Easter Sunday for his own personal resurrection and how does he go about it? By creating a documentary! Apparently that Middle Eastern guy who is supposed to be celebrated is secondary. It is the salvation of Pastor Lee-Curtis’ image and prosperity that matters.

The film pokes fun at dance ministries, mime services (which sadly, are a real thing) and all sorts of secularist non-sense that they try to incorporate into their worship services. Even the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church has had a “clown service”, disgracing the sanctuary of the local parish for their youth services.

Sterling K. Brown is brilliant in his performance and makes fun of the nonsense in the post-modern Evangelical churches, from his closet full of designer clothing to his raging temper that he turns in to a mini-sermon a la Kenneth Copeland; Brown is perfect.

Regina Hall’s portrayal of Trinitie shows a woman that started off with faith in God, but has become addicted to the wealth and notoriety that prosperity preaching has brought her. This begs the ancient question, “What does God have to do with Ba’al?”

Writer/Director Adamma Ebo hits a grandslam with her first full length feature film in ‘Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘. I can only image what the future holds for her, but it appears to be a bright one.

For those of you that have lost your faith or are seeking spirituality, the rule is simple: When seeking any religion if your cleric is seeking celebrity interest of humility, you’re dealing with a heretic. 

Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ comes to theaters and on Peacock on Friday, September 2, 2022.

  • Score


Honk For Jesus: Save Your Soul‘ brilliantly satirizes prosperity preachers and allows not only the characters but the audience to reflect on their own shortcomings. It reminds you that God wants you to come as you are, but not stay as you are.

Anytime Costumes

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