Drop Into a Gunship and Wreak Havoc – Gunship Battle2 VR Review [GearVR]

GameStop, Inc.

Hop into a cockpit of a military grade gunship, fly around, blow things up, all in the comfort of your spinning computer chair – Gunship Battle2 VR Review [Gear VR]

There was this helicopter game I used to play on SEGA Genesis, you controlled helicopter and flew missions in some jungle. It was a simple top down shooter that had your typical primary gun and bombs. It was simple and fun. I don’t remember what it’s called, but Gunship Battle 2 VR seems to be the evolution of that game. Joycity announced today that Gunship Battle2 VR is now available on the Samsung Gear VR for $9.99. It is a fully immersive VR experience, offering players about 20 levels of immersive combat helicopter awesomeness.

The story is divided into two episodes with varying difficulties. Basically, you’re a hotshot helicopter pilot and everything is on your shoulders. I like how there is some meta reference humor about dialogue and no moving images. The story isn’t very deep, but at least it is localized pretty well. It is not the biggest draw of the game, but it in no way takes away from it.

The gameplay is just plain fun. It’s like playing one of those giant immersive arcade machines, but with more control. The most important thing, have an Android controller. Trying to play the game with just the headset is pointless. It is not fun and not worth the effort. With the controller, it is a blast! I used the Gamesir G3s, and it worked flawlessly with the game. I had perfect flight and attack controls to fly through obstacles and take out enemies with thorough fluidity. This is what VR is made for.

The mechanics of the game are probably what makes the simplicity shine. The seamless use of the controller and headset really immerses players into the game. Graphics wise, it is probably about the PS2 and Xbox Level. The audio seems to be stereo, as it doesn’t shift with your change in direction, but it is still encompassing with a pair of ear buds. There were some lag issues in the loading at first, but once it started it was a flawless experience. What I have to mention is how comfortable and un-dizzying the experience was. Joycity spent years working on the project to ensure the experience was worth of their franchise, and they absolutely nailed it through and through.

Gunship Battle2 VR gives me great confidence in the VR gaming from mobile devices. It may lack on some of the aesthetics, but with proper focus and execution on the gameplay, it is just as fun, and much more affordable, than many of the games on say the PSVR or Oculus. Gunship Battle2 VR is a basic, but extremely fun game that fully utilizes the VR medium. If you’re a fan of vehicular combat and have a Samsung Gear, you’ve got to play Gunship Battle2 VR. I give my  Gunship Battle2 VR review an 8/10.

Gunship Battle2 VR [Gear VR]
  • 5/10
    Story - 5/10
  • 10/10
    Gameplay - 10/10
  • 9/10
    Mechanics - 9/10

The Verdict

Gunship Battle2 VR gives me great confidence in the VR gaming from mobile devices. It may lack on some of the aesthetics, but with proper focus and execution on the gameplay, it is just as fun, and much more affordable, than many of the games on say the PSVR or Oculus. Gunship Battle2 VR is a basic, but extremely fun game that fully utilizes the VR medium. If you’re a fan of vehicular combat and have a Samsung Gear, you’ve got to play Gunship Battle2 VR.

User Review
4.29 (7 votes)
Anytime Costumes

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