by Donavin Sulser
Gaming Editor
Picking up where the last issue left off, “Fanboys vs Zombies,” left the gang of sterotypical geeks in the middle of Comic-Con surrounded by a horde of the undead.The group of misfits who now call themselves, “the Wrecking Crew,” find themsevles in what is referred to as, “The Perfect Zombie Storm,” using their countless video game and roll playing skills in defeating the “storm” as they try to get to safety.
Writer Sam Humphries throws in another challenge for our favorite fanboys turning the Comic-Con convention center into an emergency disaster relief facility with auto locking blast door – forcing the group to find some way out allowing artist Jerry Gaylord to create some action scenes with the slice and dice of zombie bodies.
Humphries continues this fanboy dream of fighting off a zombie invasion with a sense of humor that touches the nerve center of any nerd. Using timely and relevant jokes as having Dungeons and Dragons Cosplayer warrior zombies yelling out, “For Winterfell!!!” gives a sense that Humphries knows his audience. This wouldn’t be well presented if it wasn’t for the amazing artwork of Gaylord who keeps the same artistry from the first one. The continuous use of Archie Bunker style art adds to the comedy with its simplistic use of lines following the less-is-more mantra, makes for a fluid book.
This story is one that you don’t want to end. You know eventually they will have to get out but we keep wanting to stay with the established concept and ride it as long as we can. Without giving away the cliffhanger for this issue one can say Humphries has a few tricks up his sleeve to keep the hunger alive. This book gets a 4.5 out of 5 stars as the book keeps you in from page to page and wanting for more.