Dan Magnus, two time World Kickboxing Champion finds a heartbeat as he received his long awaited heart transplant.
Dan Magnus, a man who has more lives than a cat, has received his long awaited heart transplant!
Dan Magnus’ last night in the hospital before returning home follow a heart transplant. Photo Courtesy of Roxy Astor.
In our previous interview on February 11, 2021, entitled, Two Time World Kickboxing Champion Dan Magnus Fights for his Life (audio link at the top of the interview), Magnus was residing at UCLA as a medical marvel waiting for a new heart, while plugged into over 16 various machines. Magnus joked that he was eventually going to start jump roping with all the wires once they are untangled.
Magnus is a two time World Kickboxing Champion under the Professional Karate Association (PKA), an 8th Dan black belt in USA Goju Karate, Professional Wrestling trainer and former bounty hunter.
During his six month plus stay at UCLA, Magnus spent a minimum of 30 minutes on his stationary bike in the ICU ward and uses 3 lb. weights during his shadow boxing sessions. Mangus still says he would have lifted heavier weights, but the doctors would not allow it.
Magnus practically laps his nursing staff during walks around the hospital and quips that he would eventually need to place his nurses and push them around in the wheelchair they used to follow him around.
During last night’s exclusive interview, set up by his girlfriend, former professional wrestling Roxy Astor that performed for the Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling (GLOW), Magnus said that the original AfterGLOW Girl was his rock and foundation, something he never had with his previous three heart surgeries.
Magnus spoke to us only one day after returning home following 10 days after he had received his new, young, athletic heart.
His message to everyone either waiting for a new heart or has recently received their transplant, that they need to fully change their lifestyles and take care of their gift at a second chance at life.
Magnus looks to put on a 12 round exhibition fight to show he can still move in most likely a year from now.
Dan Magnus. Nothing can stop him! What an inspiration to all of us.
Great interview of a great champion. Dan ,always, was one of the hardest workers of the athletes in the Jhoon Rhee stable of kickboxers. He will overcome this surgery and be even better. He has a champion attitude. Just wait until you see him roller skate again.