Telltale Games: The Walking Dead A New Frontier Giveaway
Win a Season Pass in our Telltale Games: The Walking Dead A New Frontier Giveaway, on Steam
Telltale Game’s The Walking Dead A New Frontier Giveaway!
I have to admit, I did not play Telltale’s The Walking Dead for the first two seasons when they first came out. I heard they were good, but I never really got around to them. However, I just finished both of them yesterday (over a 2 week period) and I can’t get over how amazing they are. Telltale Games tells amazing stories and really know how to engage the gamer into it. Giving the player stakes and control, even if often times they have none. Telltale is a master of storytelling, as evident from their NUMEROUS other series (BATMAN, Tales from the Borderlands, Minecraft Story Mode). So we here at Fanboynation wish to share the experience, with a free Season Pass Giveaway of Telltale Games: The Walking Dead A New Frontier! There are numerous ways to enter:
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We’ll also add more ways to enter throughout the week, so be sure to check back often. The winner will be announced Monday, January 9th, 2017.