It was reported at TV Line today that Netflix is planning on reviving Full House for a 13-episode order called, and I’m not making this crap up, Fuller House. Upon hearing this news, Originality, who has long been suffering with an undisclosed illness, gave up entirely, its family removing Originality from life support and allowing it gently fade to black. However, the news of a continuation of the saga of the Tanner Family was greeted with enthusiasm by Originality’s backwards cousin Nostalgia. “You know, TV was better when you weren’t old enough to think critically,” Nostalgia was quoted as saying while looking over the dead body of his cousin. There are no funeral plans being arranged for Originality, as fears that nobody would show up because he’s not a recognizable brand have taken over the surviving relatives. Though there are a few that mourn the loss of Originality at such a young age, most are just happy that Nostalgia is there to comfort them with safe images from their childhood.