What happens when the terrorist is right in front of your face, or in your mind in the case of Ben from The City. As Issue #3 opens, Ben has discovered who placed the bomb on the train in the incident that blinded him. Using the electronic system wired into his brain, Ben decides that he must find the terrorists and stop the threat. Unfortunately, Mr. Callahan, the head of the project, appears to have other plans. He attempts to stop Ben from reaching out to the terrorists, but Ben blows him off. Callahan calls for the ominous begin of Part 2 of the Golden Shield Project. In an attempt to make up for his accidental invasion of Chloe’s privacy, Ben seeks her out and appologizes for what happened on their date. When she demands an explanation, Ben begins to tell her everything. After an exciting run from the authorities, Ben sends Chloe home and he finds a new home. With the start of Part 2 of Golden Shield, Ben quickly realizes who the real enemy has been all along.
Eric Garcia is getting spectacularly good at messing with the minds of his readers. While the storyline can be fairly predictable for this type of adventure, Garcia is fantastic at conveying the interactions between his characters. Drew Moss captures the complex nature of a city as well as the characters that make up the surroundings. Mark Englert ensures that the right colors are applied at the right time.
The underworkings of Golden Shield are slowly being revealed, as are Ben’s new found powers. The City continues to be an interesting look at the concept of privacy and what freedoms are given up during a terrorist attack.