Though there have always been gimmicks attached to movies, none have ever topped the madcap master showman William Castle. Films by Castle like House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts, and The Tingler featured gimmicks …
Over the course of his career Brian De Palma has often been compared to Hitchcock. His 1973 movie for American International Pictures (AIP), Sisters, was the first of De Palma’s Hitchcockian films, complete with …
As a critic, there’s no greater nightmare than what happens to the critics in Theater of Blood. Vincent Price stars as Edward Lionheart, a classically trained Shakespearian actor who is thought to have committed …
It’s October. The time of Halloween, horror movie marathons, and making sure your asshole neighbors didn’t put razorblades in the candy again this year. But what about horror comics? Sure you’ve read Hellboy and the …
The curious case of Confessions of a Psycho Cat is unlike any other film that I can think of. Originally shot as a pseudo-remake of The Most Dangerous Game, Confessions sat on the shelf for …
Every so often you encounter a movie so bizarre, so demented, that you wonder if the art of cinema can ever really recover. Hands down one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen, Doris Wishman’s …
If anyone ever says as a blanket statement that all remakes suck, just remind them that one of the greatest sci-fi/horror films ever made was a remake. A remake of the Howard Hawks produced The …
The final installment in the Blood Trilogy – the collaboration between Herschell Gordon Lewis and David F. Freidman – Color Me Blood Red follows Two Thousand Maniacs! and Blood Feast. Instead of bloodthirsty Southerners …