via IG: @barbellbrigade
Think you have the strongest deadlift around? Show your might at Barbell Brigade‘s booth at TheFitExpo Los Angeles.
Last year Barbell Brigade held a deadlift challenge where men had to deadlift two and a half times their body weight for ten reps and women had to deadlift twice their body weight for 10 reps. Participants that completed the challenge received a Fit Expo-exclusive, Barbell Brigade merchandise as a prize. Let’s see what Barbell Brigade has to offer for TheFitExpo attendees this year. Barbell Brigade will also be having a Meet and Greet with the owners of the gym Geo and Bart Kwan.
So bring your deadlift shoes and show what you can do to the king of all lifts! Barbell Brigade will be at the TheFitExpo Los Angeles on January 23-24 at Booth #435 from 10am-5pm.
Can’t make the Fit Expo? Barbell Brigade will be open from 7am-10pm this weekend and is located at 646 Gibbons St. Los Angeles, CA 90031.