by R.C. Samo
Barry L. Levy and Jason Hall adapt Joseph Finder’s novel, Paranoia for the big screen. This one strikes a nerve. Wire tapping, internet foot print, GPS tracking, all of them are extremely frightening. Social networks working with numerous federal governments to spy on their citizens and people willingly giving up their privacy for convenience are all touched upon in this film.
Adam Cassidy (Liam Hemsworth) is a low level tech designer working for a megalomaniac named Nicholas Wyatt (Gary Oldman), who is hellbent on taking down his former employer, Jock Goddard (Harrison Ford), an even more sadistic CEO, who is looking for every edge in the technology industry.
With Cassidy’s father Frank (Richard Dreyfuss), health failing and a desire to live like the the Park Avenue types, Adam makes a deal with the devil by becoming Wyatt’s puppet in a game of corporate espionage as he attempts to gain the trust of Goddard in order to steal his latest invention to revolutionize the cell phone industry. Everything goes according to plan, until a one-night stand turned romantic interlude with one of Goddard’s executives, Emma Jennings (Amber Heard) changes the playing field.
This action thriller is not only dealing with cat and mouse antics, but the young cub taking down the older lions. The subtext of youth culture always prevails and that the wiser elders are stuck in their ways and need to move over for the next generation is prevalent throughout the film. Redemption however is achieved, when the cub finds the balance of youth’s drive to succeed and the wisdom of his elders.
Paranoia deals with concerns of who connected is too connected and can privacy be retained. If we proceed forward in the direction we are headed, privacy will be completely erased. Hemsworth is stepping out of his older brother’s shadow to stand on his own as an actor. He carries the film with an amazing supporting cast that makes this a good movie for conspiracy theorist without alienating the casual movie fan.
Paranoia opens Friday, August 16, 2013