Title: Darks Days: The Forge #1
Writers: Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV
Pencils: Jim Lee, Andy Kubert and John Romita Jr.
Inkers: Scott Williams, Klaus Janson and Danny Miki
Colors: Alex Sinclair with Jeremiah Skipper
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair
Variant Covers: John Romita Jr., Danny Miki and Alex Sinclair
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2017
The 90s are officially back, DC’s Dark Days: The Forge has a holofoil cover! Oh yeah and NINE splash pages, HELLO 1993, some of us (not me, high school sucked. Wrestling, track, choir, church youth group, church basketball league, etc. all to make my transcripts look good for college, while getting in trouble with my English teacher for saying, “Just because it’s old doesn’t make it a classic,” in reference to Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird, or was that freshman year?…but I digress) have missed you!
Batman’s got a secret…yes, another one! You’d think a guy nicknamed, “The Dark Knight” would be far more transparent. Anyway, Bats has got something…one, hidden in a secret cave in his secret cave (Green Lantern points this out), some crazy thing that terrifies Mister Miracle in the Fortress of Solitude, an undocumented research fascility in the ocean that gets under Aquaman’s skin and a bunch of other crazy things all running a parallel to Carter Hall’s last journal entry about some crazy thing that he warns everyone to avoid, but come on, this is comics, no one heeds warnings. I mean where’s the fun in that?
When you look at how I scored the art below, it’s not I didn’t enjoy their work, but rather there were too many artists with varying styles that would pull me out of the book before rushing back into the story. If it was one art team throughout the entire book, this would have been a 9.5 across the board.
We started with The Button and are quickly moving into Dark Days, all of this seems to be leading to the Doomsday Clock and Action Comics #1000 for the 80th Anniversary of Superman!
Dark Days
- Story - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 7/107/10
The Verdict
Dark Days: The Forge is a great first issue that sucks you in.