Play Games Using Only the Power of Your Mind – MIND Headset Review

GameStop, Inc.

Soap Studio lets you play games with your mind, bringing a whole new meaning to the term – MIND Headset Review

I have always dreamed of being able to control things with my mind. Who didn’t watch television and movies and see someone with telekinesis think about how incredible it would be to have those abilities? And thanks to Soap Studio’s MIND Headset, the dream is almost fully realized. The MIND Brainwave-Controlled Headset comes packaged with a Holo-Box and is designed to play Soap Studio’s Batman v Superman Cerebral Combat Trainer, or BATMAN MIND in the Play Store. Essentially how it works, the headset connects to your phone via bluetooth, and the phone is placed on the Holo-Box to display the game in an amazing hologram. You then use the power of your mind to play through over 30 different levels of differing scenarios to prepare Batman for his showdown with Superman. There is a lot to breakdown in this MIND Headset Review, so I’ll do it in 4 parts: Headset, Holo-Box, Game, Full-Experience.

The MIND Brain-Wave Controlled Headset is a truly unique piece of technology. It is worn like a reverse behind the head headset. The large hooked ends hook behind the ears while the band rests across the wearer’s forehead. The length is adjustable to fit most heads making it pretty comfortable to wear. The inner side of the band is where the sensors are located and those detect your brain activity and blinking. Giving the play three possible inputs, focus (thinking, brain activity), relax (lessening or lack of brain activity), and blinking. The setup and use is quite intuitive, add that to the comfort of the headset and it makes for an unobtrusive gaming accessory. If you’ve ever used a cardboard or VR Headset of some sort, it is a much more convenient experience. The only downside, if you’re like me and have larger than a size 8 head, you probably will have some connectivity issues if you do not place it exactly right. I won’t hold this against them, as everyone else with normal sized heads had 0 connectivity issues.

The Holo-Box is a very unique and appealing piece of technology. It’s pretty much a unique stand with a screen that uses an old theater trick to make people appear transparent. There is no electrical component the Holo-Box, just some simple physics. However, it’s really cool. The Holo-Box makes the game really pop, and removes the hassle of having to hold the device. It really helps you maintain focus while playing the game. It also can be used to turn stuff you’re watching on your phone into a hologram. I found that things with dark backgrounds tend to look best. It’s a very simple accessory, but it not only brings out the full potential of the game and compliment the headset, it has a lot of potential to create, and uniquely display, visual works.

The Cerebral Combat Trainer game is a truly unique experience. With the MIND Headset not in consideration, the game itself is a very well polished and put together game. The game follows a logical progression of training Batman in the different aspects of being the Dark Knight, and also prepare for the challenges that he will face going against Superman. You also get a few turns as Superman, because what better way to understand the enemy than by being the enemy. The gameplay is extremely simple and would seem boring to play without the headset, but with the headset, it is a very engulfing experience. The game boasts some very solid graphics, that look incredible when displayed in the Holo-Box. Overall, it is a very engaging, and enjoyable experience.

The combined experience of the MIND headset, Holo-Box, and Cerebral Combat Trainer game is a lot of fun. It is very hard to explain how it feels trying to think to control the game. For example, the very first level in the game, you must concentrate to get Batman to glide up, and relax to have him descend. The first moments are confusing, how do I think to make this happen, but then it happens. You then think there’s no way you can be doing this, but slowly you start to realize you are actually controlling the character with your mind. Then you move onto other levels and realize you are controlling things just with the power of your thoughts. The most gratifying of the experiences is controlling the speed of the Batmobile. In this level, you increase your speed by focusing and watching the odometer go up is like watching the power of your brain flourish. It is extremely gratifying and rewarding. The Holo-Box just makes everything look more interesting and saves you the trouble of holding your phone. It’s a great touch, but not necessary. Although if you first play using the Holo-Box, you won’t be able to enjoy the experience without it.

Soap Studio’s MIND Brainwave- Controlled Gaming Headset is an incredible piece of technology that is probably just the beginning of a whole new way to game and interact with technology. The MIND headset isn’t limited to just gaming, it is also able to be used with certain Parrot Drones. I was not able to test this feature, unfortunately, but it is something that should be fully realized soon, and that’s going to open a whole new realm of possibilities. The price point is a bit steep, and to be honest, not an investment I think most will find worth making at this time. However, I believe early adopters would flock at the opportunity to play with this cutting edge technology, and have it at the ready for its other upcoming applications. It is also a pleasant mind workout. Soap Studio claims the use of the MIND headset to play their game can potentially increase memory. If you like being the first to adopt a new tech device, the MIND headset is something you should consider. Or if you’re looking for a fun way to exercise the mind, the MIND headset is exactly that. I give my MIND Headset review 4/5 Stars.

You can order your MIND Brainwave-Controlled Gaming Headset here (official features listed below):

  • Wear the MIND headset properly (please refer to user manual)
  • Concentrate, relax and blink could become commands to Batman
  • e: Concentrate to go up, relax to go down, blink to shoot
  • Your MIND could cause difference results everytime
  • You have to finish difference missions to unlock the difficult level
  • e Driving Tumbler, Driving Batwing, Shooting Target etc.
  • You will find hidden character in final stage
  • It is a brand new game and you do not need to play with your hands
  • The game is fun and you could do brain exercise while playing the game
  • It could improve your memory and change the way of gaming
MIND Brainwaive-Controlled Gaming Headset
  • MIND Headset

The Verdict

Soap Studio’s MIND Brainwave- Controlled Gaming Headset is an incredible piece of technology that is probably just the beginning of a whole new way to game and interact with technology. The MIND headset isn’t limited to just gaming, it is also able to be used with certain Parrot Drones. I was not able to test this feature, unfortunately, but it is something that should be fully realized soon, and that’s going to open a whole new realm of possibilities. The price point is a bit steep, and to be honest, not an investment I think most will find worth making at this time. However, I believe early adopters would flock at the opportunity to play with this cutting edge technology, and have it at the ready for its other upcoming applications. It is also a pleasant mind workout. Soap Studio claims the use of the MIND headset to play their game can potentially increase memory. If you like being the first to adopt a new tech device, the MIND headset is something you should consider. Or if you’re looking for a fun way to exercise the mind, the MIND headset is exactly that.

User Review
4 (1 vote)
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