It was already suspected that Miles Morales would be joining Peter Parker on Earth 616 after Marvel’s latest event, Secret Wars, was over, but now it’s official. The new ongoing Spider-Man series will star a universe displaced Morales as one of New York’s wall-crawlers.
How will Miles deal with a very different New York than the one he’s used to? How did he get here? How will Peter handle sharing the rooftops with his new Avenger teammate? All of this will be explained as Miles Morales’ co-creators, Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli, take him on all new adventures in the Marvel Universe proper.
“Four years ago, we peeled back Spider-Man’s iconic mask to reveal a new and different face, and readers of all stripes have embraced him,” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “I’m excited to announce that Miles Morales is here to stay – and this Fall, he’s going to be swinging through the heart of the Marvel Universe. Can new friends and enemies be far behind?”
“This is a very big deal to [Sarah and I],” says Brian Michael Bendis in an interview with “For [Miles] to have grown up and flat-out earned his place in the Marvel Universe, as Spider-Man, is frankly so much more than we could have hoped for when we first sat down to design him and his life. When it became clear that I was going to follow Miles into this new adventure I was really hoping that Sara would see the value in it being both of us that do this together. I was thrilled that she agreed immediately.”
Miles Morales caused major headlines when he was first introduced into the Ultimate Universe, from both comic fans and the mainstream, and when Spider-Man #1 hits stores this fall I’m sure you can expect the same thing.