Dogs love car rides. Lootcrate’s Pet Edition September box is racing themed. It comes with a Stark Industries racing team tee-shirt for your dog. Which also happens to match the human shirt in the regular LootCrate box. I think its one of their best shirts to date. Speaking of matching, the dog tag matches the human pin from the regular box also. Cleverly called Lootyear instead of Goodyear on the tire. I love it! There are so awesome toys in the box however they are kinda too big for my westies. A doggie dart and a really cool x-tire ball toy. Of course my pups favorites are the mach-3 munchies dog treats.
LootCrate Pet Edition Throws Your Dog a Tire
About The Author

I'm a dork rocker who's passionate about music, movies, wrestling, video games, & animation. I have my own award winning animated series & comic book called Supa Pirate Booty Hunt. I'm a producer and film editor at at MCTV Network and Continuum Motion Pictures. My wife and I own a company called Level 27 Media. I've been doing press for a couple years now, gotten to interview some amazing people such as Mark Hamill, Tim Burton, Stan Lee, & many others. I love covering everything from conventions, to concerts, to haunted houses. I'm excited to be working now for FanboyNation.