Title: Justice League of America: Killer Frost #1
Writers: Steve Orlando and Jody Houser
Artist: Mirka Andolfo
Colorist: Arif Prianto
Letter: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: January 25, 2017
Dr. Caitlin Snow has come a long way from just a purely homicidal maniac as Killer Frost. In her stint with the Suicide Squad and facing the Justice League who were under the control of Maxwell Lord, Killer Frost has seeked redemption for her past transgressions. The problem is her, “father confessor” is Amanda Waller and her penance is far worse than purgatorio.
In her attempts to prove that Killer Frost has not been reformed, Waller starves the former villainness by not allowing her to feed on heat from rodents, a hostile exchange with Mr. Toxi and tempts her with a psychokinetic roommate in Heatstroke. Killer Frost passes all her test and Waller is still not satisfied even after she defends Heatstroke from a gang attack that, naturally she orchestrated.
The new Justice League of America prequels are quite interesting, from Killer Frost to The Ray and The Atom, DC continues to get better and better with Rebirth. This incarnation should have been called Renaissance as the artists continue to excel and the stories have been consistent on the exceptional side.
This Killer Frost one-shot could easily be turned into a long running series as the writing team of Orlando and Houser have an amazing understand redemption by turning villains into likeable anti-heroes.
Killer Frost
- Story - 10/1010/10
- Art - 8/108/10
The Verdict
No longer a B-List character, Killer Frost will freeze Hell over in appeasing the her fans.