It Seem’s Kaiba is Doomed to Finish Second – Kaiba Collector Box Review

GameStop, Inc.

A giant Blue Eyes White Dragon card is something every duelist should have – Kaiba Collector Box Review

Kaiba Collector Box

The one thing Yugi fears

I’m pretty much all bought into Yu-Gi-Oh! again.  Mainly in hopes of augmented reality bringing the game to life. Also, it’s an exciting time for the game as it is now easier and cheaper than ever to get your favorite cards from the show. On that note, the Kaiba Collector Box was released to get you started on your Kaiba/Blue Eyes Deck! Here’s what’s in the box:

  •  1 Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded
  • Duelist Pack: Yugi booster packs
  • Duelist Pack: Kaiba booster packs
  • 1 Ultra Rare variant art Blue Eyes White Dragon card
  • 1 variant art Oversized Blue Eyes White Dragon card

The Kaiba Collector Box will be located in that aisle right past the register at major retailers where all the cool kids go before they check out the toy aisle. It MSRP’s for $19.99, but I’ve seen it for about $15 on Amazon.


If you’re just getting back into the game, this is a good place to start. Kaiba has some really powerful cards in all categories. In terms of monsters, aside from Blue Eyes which you do get 3 of in total, he has Alexandrite Dragon which is a level 4 dragon with 2000 ATK points. That’s just not fair, plus there are Luster Dragon and Mad Dog of Darkness who are both level 4 1900 ATK. I might still be stuck back at the introduction of Elemental Heroes, but 1900 and 2000 ATK for not tribute monsters seems like a lot of power.  There’s also Twin-Headed Behemoth, which was just always one of my favorite cards.

Spell and Trap cards are where I think the deck faulters a bit. He has a lot that directly destroys monsters or alters their ATK/DEF, which is always a good thing, but he doesn’t have cards that seem to drop the hammer. For example, Yugi has Swords of Revealing Light that stops the enemies in their tracks, Kaiba has Soul Exchange where you can use an opponent’s monster for tributing, but can’t attack. Plus, Kaiba only has one Blue Eyes spell card, Burst Stream of Destruction, Yugi has Dark Magic Attack, Thousand Knives, Magical Dimension, and Ancient Rules. I mean Kaiba can use Ancient Rules. Kaiba lacks cards to bring out Blue Eyes and powerful spell cards that don’t also affect him. Then in terms of traps, Kaiba has nothing to brag about. Widespread Ruin destroys one of your opponent’s attack position monsters, Mirror Force destroys all your opponent’s attack position monsters. Guess which one Kaiba has. Kaiba’s does Birthright which would bring back his Blue Eyes, but other than that I think Threatening Roar is his best trap; which is a less versatile version of Negate Attack, which is an amazing Kaiba card.

Kaiba’s starter deck, in compared to Yugi’s, lacks interconnectivity. There’s a very loose dragon deck in there, but it doesn’t mesh like Yugi’s cards do. In Yugi’s starter deck there’s a Dark Magician focus, then there’s also spellcasters and his Gadget cards. Kaiba has powerful monsters and focuses on attack power with his spell and trap cards, but his biggest weapon isn’t easily brought to the field. The Kaiba starter deck has to hope to start stronger than its opponent and keep the lead and doesn’t have a backup plan. I think if Kaiba’s starter deck also cam with Y-Dragon and Z-Metal tank to accompany X-Head, it would have been much better than like Yomi Ship or Wattaildragon.

Kaiba Collector Box

In terms of the packs, I pulled a Malefic Blue Eyes, which is a pretty cool Blue Eyes Card that is high-risk high-reward (my favorite play style). There was also a cool La-Jinn card with new art, and Ancient Lamp to support. It’s always been one of my favorite combos, though I have only pulled it off once. But I didn’t pull anything special. Well, I did pull an XYZ Dragon canon, but the deck only came with X-Head… You can see the unboxing below:

The Kaiba Collector Box is still a great set of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. You get some very powerful monsters, packs to supplement your Yugi and Kaiba decks, and an oversized Blue Eyes White Dragon card. Honestly, I enjoy the giant cards way too much, here’s a gif:

What it feels like when you believe in the heart of the cards.

The Kaiba Collector box is a great collection of cards and a great value. The only downside is that it feels weaker than Yugi’s Collector Box. It seems Kaiba is doomed to forever be second to Yugi, even in collector boxes… Only because I have Yugi’s Collector box as a reference, my Kaiba Collector Box gets a 4.5/5.

Kaiba Collector Box


The Kaiba Collector box is a great collection of cards and a great value. The only downside is that it feels weaker than Yugi’s Collector Box. It seems Kaiba is doomed to forever be second to Yugi, even in collector boxes.

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