I really should read my e-mails more carefully. If I had paid closer attention to the pitch for reviewing, Inkspirations: Love by Design, I would have politely declined. I thought they were using the words, “color” and “coloring” as metaphoric terms. It turns out, this is actually a pseudo-spiritual ADULT COLORING BOOK!
Growing up in San Francisco, I am used to a lot of self-hating, white people bullshit, but this trumps them all. Using religious ideology spun into a metaphysical gibberish, Inkspirations is another exploitation of the disenfranchised who are seeking something greater than themselves without actually adhering to a theological ideology. Similar to the Evangelical “Christians” with whom I attended graduate school that are referred to as, “Dessert Christians.” These are people who want all of the rewards of heaven without the self-sacrifice to get there.
This universe worship drivel bastardizes the Hamza from Judaism, a bunch of Eastern philosophy symbols and Western materialism that are too old to be copy written. Inkspirations allows you to read bogus prayers while you fill in your spirituality with coloring instruments in order to find your one true love in the next 8 days (the book is out in time for St. Valentine’s Day).
Inkspirations is the ultimate in cat lady romance fantasies and for $11 as well as a box of pencils of color, all your worldly desires can be yours! One question, if I color outside the lines, am I destined to be alone forever?
Adult coloring books terrify me, the added notion that it leads to a spiritual manifestation of romantic love is beyond screwy.
Here’s the deal, either go find a religion whether monotheistic or polytheistic, be agnostic as you wonder the possibilities of an intelligent designer or a complete atheist. This cherry picking, pirated spirituality is nonsense I am no longer willing to tolerate.
The creators of the Inkspirations series have a forgiveness “prayer” in this coloring book. Well, they can forgive me for thinking this is nothing more than prostituting people truly seeking spirituality.
- Overall score
The Verdict
Don’t waste your money on this garbage.