How Might VR Change the Way We Play

GameStop, Inc.

Mega Game Enthusiast, Katie Green, shares how VR might change the way we play games by providing an innovative and joyous experience.VR Change


Virtual reality is something gamers everywhere waited to be invented ever since the idea was first depicted in movies. The thought that you could actually be immersed in the game you’re playing is something we all wished for since we first picked up a controller, but is it viable today, with all the new technology?

Sadly, we’re not there yet. While it’s true that advanced headsets are quite impressive, there is a lot of hassle to achieve the immersion you want (if it can be achieved). Usually, headsets such as HTC Vive or Oculus Rift are expensive and you need other gear that’s equally expensive for the total immersion experience.

First, you need a video card to support VR settings and a computer that’s powerful enough to hold up to the graphic card. Second, you need an audio system or high-quality headphones that will shield you from the outside world (for complete immersion). All these, teamed with the games prices, round up to quite a beautiful number that has you digging deep into your pockets.

However, if you go over all these and the fact that you’ll look ridiculous with a pair of goggles strapped around your head and moving aimlessly through your living room, then VR can be quite a game-changing experience. You have the amazing opportunity of seeing a video game from a different perspective as the action happens around you and not behind a screen.

Can we Play 2-Player Games?

While we all know all current VR games can be played online with other players, are there any 2-player games that can be played locally? At a quick browse, you’ll find several options, but for now, they don’t seem that advanced.

Some allow users to play as different characters, using different devices (one player on the VR headset and one on the computer for instance), but other games only allow the second player as a supporting character that doesn’t partake in action.

We would definitely love to see the technology advance in this direction as it is fun to have a VR party at your home, right? However, most game producers focus on online multiplayer games in this niche as you’ll not just be able to play with your friends you’ll also make new friends all over the world.

How Will VR Change Gaming?

Vr Change


There are many paths VR could go, but the main expectation is that prices will lower down for the technology we now consider advanced. Also, we would love to see less bulky goggles with extended features and fewer cables (now you are quite dependent on the computer so you can’t move as freely as you want). So, the change of perspective should start with hardware producers.

The next step is with game designers. Right now, the content for VR is pretty limited even though there is a Steam VR section with some cool names and each brand headset comes with access to a library of games.

We are also looking forward to a VR headset that works with all devices and can accommodate all games available for the platform. This division between companies is quite annoying right now and, in the interest of good gaming, it should be stopped.

For the gamers, VR comes with a new perspective and a more exciting way of enjoying our afternoons. However, the current technology can be tiring and downright sickening if you play for long hours on a row (there have been cases of nausea and dizziness).

Still, if the current problems are solved, the VR technology has a bright future and can help us transcend worlds. After all, who wouldn’t love to actually be a character in a game rather than just controlling it on a screen?

We’re looking forward to new releases but until then, enjoy your gaming (VR or not)!

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