Gundam Versus E3 Experience
Gundam Versus E3 Experience: A wait that will be worth it for fans of the Gundam franchise pining for more.
For fans of the Gundam anime and video game series, it is very exciting that Bandai Namco has announced the first Gundam game coming to America and Europe, Gundam Versus. Gundam Versus brings action-packed 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 gameplay to the Playstation 4.
While I don’t know much about the series, one of the producers of the game stood and talked with me at E3 about the anime, its history, and how much of an impact it has left on Japan as a whole. As I was playing the game, he told me all about how many different Gundam anime shows there are and how the game features mechs from practically all of them.
“Gundam has a lot of influence in Japan, and for the fans here in America, we wanted to bring this to them and do right by them.”
Jumping into the game and the series for the first time, it was a little hard for me to understand the controls and how things worked at first, but it wasn’t long until I was kicking ass and boosting around the map with ease. Gundam Versus is a 3rd person 3D combat fighting game with large maps. It’s also going to be bringing 3v3 to the series for the first time.
I have to admit, not being an actual fan of the series or even not knowing what the series really was about, this game was really fun to play. It reminded me of the sort of fast-paced action of the arcade games that it is representing but modernized for the current gaming era. During the demo, I tried out a few of the different mechs. The full game will have over 90 mechs from 17 of the different anime works.
Each of the different mechs have different abilities and weapons to use strategically. I can definitely see how strategy would play a key role in this game. That is usually what you get when you play games that are a majority of 2v2 rounds. For Gundam Versus, you will definitely want to try and squad up with a friend or two, so you can coordinate your attacks to dominate your opponents.
A new feature will be environmental destruction and landscape deformation, allowing players to use the maps to their advantage.
Fans should be excited that they won’t have to rely on importing the game from Japan as a means for playing it.
Gundam Versus will be coming to Playstation 4 in Fall 2017