There is no rest for the wicked, just as Shane Oblonsky was looking for a few minutes of rest, he gloves back up and jumps back into the ring against Gabriel Varga in the tournament final!
The fighters touch gloves and begin exchanging kicks, with Varga landing first. The Canadian had time to rest as Oblonsky came off a war with Vinicius and with Ristie making short work of Hollenbeck, it is painfully obvious he hasn’t had enough time to rest, but that is what it’s all about. GLORY!
The fatigue isn’t stopping Oblonsky has he’s been landing some massive blows only to be slowed down by Varga’s spinning back elbow. Oblonskey is getting this third wind and he drove Varga into the corner, but his punches don’t have the power they did in his first bout.
Heading into the second round, Oblonsky is still engaging, refusing to go down, even after a spinning back kick from Varga. The Canadian is driving the American back into the corner,has his leg sweep, the first knock down of the bout. Oblonsky is still in this!
Verga is on the offensive landing a flying knee, but Oblonsky is still standing. The crowd begins changing, “Let’s go Shane, let’s go!” and Oblonsky finishes the round with a left-right combination.
It’s time to go big or go home! The third and final round to determine the Featherweight Tournament Champion! Oblonsky was so eager to continue that he almost forgot his mouthpiece. The fighters engage with Varga on the ropes, but that isn’t stopping him as he lands another flying knee.
The “U-S-A” chants drown out the Canadian fans. To quote Jim Ross, “This is a barn burner!”
This one goes to the judges and the fans have gotten their money worth!
Your winner of the Glory Featherweight Tournament Championship and moving to the World Tournament Championship is Gabriel Varga!