Geeky Realtor Aleesha Duarte Helps Geeks Find Their TARDIS Sweet TARDIS

GameStop, Inc.

By Victoria Irwin

Senior Correspondent


Leia picIf you’ve ever dreamed of building a life-sized replica of the Star Trek Bridge, or having your house resemble the TARDIS, it can be very difficult to find a house that meets your very specific needs. Aleesha Duarte of Edmonton Alberta, Canada has stepped up to the call. Focusing on the needs of the Geek looking for their dream home, Duarte took it upon herself to become “The Geeky Realtor.”  We caught up with Aleesha Duarte between appointments as she continues to find the perfect home for those who have been looking in Alderan places.


FBNation: Aleesha, What is it that makes you “the geeky realtor?”

Duarte: Well I am a geek! Sci-fi, fantasy, movies, books, gaming and tech; I love it all.  I am not very tech savvy but it does interest me and the things I see people doing with it simply astounds me.


FBNation: What are your favorite franchises or fandom’s (i.e. Firefly, Doctor Who, Star Wars, X-Men, Batman etc)?

Duarte: I love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, (obviously) Battlestar Galactica… there’s too many to list!


FB Nation: Do you have a favorite convention you attend?

Duarte: I just started going to conventions in the last 4 to 5 years. I have only been to the ones around here (Edmonton). My husband and I have talked about planning our family vacations around cons like SDCC for sure next year.


FBNation: What is your oldest geeky memory? What got you started in the geek world?

Duarte: One of my fondest and oldest memories is watching Star Trek, Indiana Jones and Star Wars with my dad when I was really young. Then in later years my fondest geeky memory is playing a Shrek video game with my husband and 2 of our friends. We would have video game and board game fests that would last all weekend and sometimes all week. That was before we got married. Then we started playing WOW (World of Warcraft) and would raid all night long. My husband helped me discover my inner geek; he helped me become me.


FBNation: What geeky needs do you service as a realtor?

Duarte: Helping fellow geeks find homes for their collections. To find a place where they can play games, watch movies and create costumes. I know personally what it’s like trying to find the right house with high enough ceilings for a life size Vader. If I can’t find you the house you’re looking for then I can help you find and speak with a builder that will help.


FBNation: What is the strangest request a client has ever had regarding a home?

Duarte: I did have one guy ask me if I could find a house that looked like a TARDIS. I have a Darth Vader that I plan on taking to open houses so people can come in and view the house and get their picture taken with the Sith Lord himself.


FBNation: How long have you been involved in real estate and what got you started?

Duarte: I have been in real estate for 2 years and just recently decided to focus on like minded people. I got into real estate after my first daughter was born I didn’t want to go back to a 9 to 5 job; I’ve always loved real estate. I would watch all the property shows like Property Virgins, Sell This House and House Hunters …So I decided that I would get into real estate so I could make my own schedule. And so I could work with people.


FBNation: Have you ever wanted to form your own personal X-Men team of realtors?

Duarte: I would love to build an X-Men team; who wouldn’t? Right now I am solo keeping my eyes open to someday “assemble.”


FBNation: Where in Canada is your real estate practice located?

Duarte: I am located in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Alberta may sound familiar to the X-Men fans out there; it’s the home to Sabretooth and Wolverine.

Aleesha Duarte, “the Geeky Realtor,” can be reached for Geek and Real Estate questions via her Facebook page or by emailing her at

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  1. Dustin August 7, 2014 Reply

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