by R.C. Samo
Geek Con 2: Comic Boogaloo, held at Geeks comic shop in Whittier, CA, hosts independent artists and writers, showcasing their talents all throughout Southern California. Initially started out by joking with his friends, store manager Sal Felix, decided to promote the event.
“I tried getting into (San Diego) Comic Con one year and they were sold out. Someone said, ‘We should start our own con,’ so we did,” said Felix, while setting up for the event.
Geeks opened up 6 years ago this month with the intent of being a clean, bright comic shop that broke the stereotype of the dingy, dark, musky basement shop. This years attendees were Richard Carradine (The Park After Dark), John C. Narcomey Jr. (Dust), Rafael Navarro (The Batman, Super Hero Squad), Michael Aushenker (Silly Goose), Javier Hernandez (el Muerto), Ray Mendivil and Neil Segura (Forever Freshman), as well as a whole host of other creators.
“They’ve (the creators) have been here since we started and it was our way of saying, ‘thank you,’ to them. These are the hard working people you don’t hear about but have a following,” said Felix as the store began to fill with patrons.
Geeks comics is located at 6747 Greenleaf Ave Whittier Ca 90601. Call for directions (562) 696-9393, Friend them on Facebook at and follow them at Twitter @GEEKSstore.
Stay tuned for features of the artists listed above and more here, at FanboyNation.