There’s no greater adversary to the modern movie lover than a jackass with a cellphone texting away, the bright light from their phone a beacon of distraction in an otherwise darkened room. While most theater chains are very indifferent towards talkers and texters, one theater chain that refuses to kowtow to rudest of the rude is the Alamo Drafthouse, who will eject rude theatergoers. As they’ve done time and time again, the good people over at Alamo Drafthouse have a new Don’t Talk PSA featuring George Miller, co-writer and director of the incredible Mad Max: Fury Road, and Hugh Keays-Byrne, the villain in both the original Mad Max and Fury Road. Unless you’re Mad Max or Imperator Furiosa, you’re not going to be the one talking back to The Toecutter and/or Immortan Joe, so please listen to these good people and don’t text or talk at the movies.