by R.C. Samo
For those of us who have lost a parent or a child, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox will touch a deep nerve. What would you sacrifice, for just one more day? One more chance for a hug, holding hands or just to say, “I love you.”
In the latest DC Entertainment animated adaptation of the Geoff Johns’ graphic novel that shook up the DC Universe, The Flash (voiced by Grey’s Anatomy star, Justin Chambers), has that chance with his mother, but with Professor Zoom (voiced by C. Thomas Howell), being the cause of The Flash to lose his super speed, Berry Allen must now find a way to return to a world where Batman is not Thomas Wayne (voiced by fellow Grey’s Anatomy star, Kevin McKidd), Aquaman (Cary Elwes) and Wonder Woman (Vanessa Marshall) are not starting World War III and Superman (Sam Daly) is not a prisoner of the US Government, while Cyborb (Michael B. Jordan) isn’t a military puppet, but are all heroes in Flash’s parallel reality.
Jay Oliva, not only sets that bar, but keeps breaking his own world record. Everyone of his animated adaptations surpasses the other, just when you think, “Man, how is this guy going to top Batman: The Dark Knight Returns,” he gives the fans Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. Oliva has said in past interviews that he always intends to do justice to the source material and Johns has given him an amazing story to bring to life.
Emotionally exhausting and yet fulfilling. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, deals with the physics of time travel, the moral dilemma of how far will you go for one last loving moment and what one is willing to sacrifice to not only restore order to a fallen world, but to save humanity in the process.
Do yourself a favor and watch the featurettes, especially A Flash in Time: Time Travel in the Flash Universe. This one shares how physics shaped the Silver Age reboot of The Flash and how time travel to the future is theoretically possible.
This is an A+ animated feature and 88 minutes goes by like an episode of Justice League Unlimited, it leaves you wanting more. If the 2016 life action Flash film is half as good as Flashpoint Paradox, then DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. will have another hit on their hands.
The Blu-Ray/DVD Combo pack releases Tuesday, July 31, 2013.