Filmmaker Mindy Bledsoe discusses The In-Between a road picture about two friends with severe health issues seeking closure and relief.
Editor’s Note: We are republishing this interview.
Filmmaker Mindy Bledsoe discusses The In-Between a road picture about two friends with severe health issues seeking closure and relief, available now on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital.
Although the above line of seeking closure sounds a bit tragic, the dark comedy about two friend Mad (Jennifer Stone) and Junior (Bledsoe), is a road picture about two friends navigating life while dealing with their illnesses. The only real two similarities between their characters that Stone and Bledsoe share are their actually ailments, as Bledsoe herself confesses in our interview that unlike Junior, she doesn’t wish reality was a Hallmark movie (which I freely admit I enjoy the flicks).
Official Synopsis:
The In-Between stars Mads (Jennifer Stone) and Junior (Mindy Bledsoe) as best friends who set out on a road trip to Portland from L.A. Both women are struggling with diseases often considered invisible illnesses (both in the film and in real-life), devastating to their level of function daily as they set out on a trip of self-discovery. The difficulty level is that they are struggling in their everyday lives beset with layers of challenges that range from crippling emotional damage to physical illness. Mads is a type 1Diabetic, and Junior suffers from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (classed as the most painful of chronic pain conditions). In addition to physical illness, Mads and Junior also both suffer from heartaches from the loss of a loved one. They are both hurting and looking for closure that will bring healing.
Bledsoe and I crack some dark jokes as we both find the humor in tragedy and she discusses the organizations that work with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in the interview.
Follow Mindy Bledsoe on Instagram @mindybledsoe.
Follow Jennifer Stone on Instagram @jenniferstone.
Follow The In-Between on Instagram @inbetweenmovie2019.
Visit to find out where you can watch and purchase The In-Between.