Name: Wilbur
City: Barcelona
What was your first Cosplay Experience?
That’s a long time ago! It was 1998! I already had seen some cosplayers in conventions and I thought it has to be fun and cool, specially the contest part since I was in a theater group all my childhood. One day a saw a pamphlet in my local comicbook store advertising a small cosplay contest… and I decided to give it a try.
How long have you been Cosplaying?
Well, 17 years passed and I’m still cosplaying so it’s been a long ride.
What is your favorite cosplay you have worn/created?
Only one? This one is harsh after so many years, in part because I love a lot of them but also because I’m no 100% satisfied with no one. I guess Anastasia was a very special one, not only for the work, and beautiful pics I got with it, but also because I won an International contest with it and had a lot of great experiences and feelings associated to this costume.
If you had unlimited resources, what Cosplay would you create?
I want to cosplay someday as Empress Celene from Dragon Age Inquisition but since she is a Queen and the fabrics look beautiful I will probably go crazy on the fabric store and choose all the super expensive ones I can not afford in any way 🙁
What advice would you offer others trying to break into Cosplay?
Don’t need to run, enjoy the travel, and all the things you will learn and the amazing people you will meet. Try to cosplay with friends as often as you can and it will be funnier, or, if you don’t have friends who like to cosplay, look for people wanting to cosplay the same series as you at the cons you will be attending, and BAM, now you know a lot of cool people you can cosplay