Name: Tegan Feehery, AKA Sayakat Cosplay
City: Baltimore
Social Media: instagram: @tfeehery
What was your first Cosplay Experience?
My first con was Baltimore Comic Con in 2013. I brought my Commander Shepard costume to BCC and I got an amazing response to the costume! I was pretty much instantly hooked.
How long have you been Cosplaying?
That’s always a complicated answer for me. I’ve been making halloween costumes since high school (in the dark ages), but didn’t start going to cons until a few years ago. It switched sort of from just costumes to cosplay in 2011 when I made my Queen of Blades costume. It was the first time I worked with foam and made a video game character. I’ve been hooked on cosplaying from video games ever since. I do cosplay from TV, anime, and other things, but most of my cosplays are video game related. I’m making 3 Blizzard game based cosplays this year alone. 2015 was the first year I attended more than one con in a calendar year and made more than one costume per year, I went to 6 cons and made 7 costumes (4 for myself)!
What is your favorite cosplay you have worn/created?
It’s really hard for me to pick my favorite, but my most recent huge project, Diablo, is one I’m particularly proud of. It’s huge, hard to actually wear and move around in, but it looks amazing!
If you had unlimited resources, what Cosplay would you create?
Everything from Blizzard. No really. I’ve already done my reach cosplay in Diablo, so it’s hard for me to pick another project like that. I have plans to make the armor from Bubblegum Crisis 2040 at some point, and I want to try my hand at molding and sculpting the armor!
What advice would you offer others trying to break into Cosplay?
Don’t be afraid if you fail at making something. I have to start things over all the time. That’s part of the process, and while it can be frustrating, it helps you to learn and grow your skills. All cosplayers make mistakes, make things over, don’t meet deadlines, etc…we’re all human (although we don’t necessarily dress like them!)