Name: Jonathan Angert ( Phantom Cosplay and Photography)
City: Minot, North Dakota
Home town: Houston Texas
What was your first Cosplay Experience?
My first Cosplay experience was that of Oni-Con in 2007 in Houston Texas, I saw people dressing up the first two day so I decided to dress up on the last day. Which I dress up as a ring wrath from lord of the rings with a bleach sword.
How long have you been Cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying since 2007
What is your favorite cosplay you have worn/created?
One of my favorite cosplay I have worn would be of obi wan Kenobi from episode one, one of my favorite cosplays I created would be my gundam.
If you had unlimited resources, what Cosplay would you create?
This would be easy, a real working mech suit or iron man suit.
What advice would you offer others trying to break into Cosplay?
Pick a character you love and create that cosplay and wear it at a con and have fun