by Jessica Greenlee
Staff Writer
[email protected]
With Red Sonja #6, Gail Simone brings the Queen of Plagues story to its grand finale. Sonja is trapped in the arena, again, facing her sword sister, Dark Annisia in battle for the amusement of King Bazrat who has spent a long time manipulating things and, apparently, holds all the cards.
Red Sonja is known for her fighting ability. What Gail Simone makes clear is that she’s also a strategist. Sonja, her enemies, and her allies, are all portrayed as thinking as well as fighting. This makes for a truly compelling story as those involved all have to be strong on several levels. Simone also shows the ties of friendship and trust that can grow between women, and how much strain they can take.
Walter Geovani and Adriono Lucas tell the story visually; breaking the panels as needed to give room for battle or to show a fragmented view of events when needed. Lucas knows when to keep the color bright and when to choose somber hues to underscore the mood. The emotional weight of the story is well-carried in the figure’s expressions and body language.
This is a dark end to a somber story, and it is memorably told