I have to be honest, it took a lot of prodding by family members and the binge watching goodness of Netflix to get me to finally sit down and give Doctor Who a try a few years back. It didn’t take me long to fall down that timey whimey rabbit whole and now I consider myself a full fledged Whovian. There are very few shows on television that the whole family can enjoy these days and being a father of 3 younger children this can sometimes be a challenge. Not when Doctor Who comes on, there really is something for all of us each and every episode.
So when I got the opportunity to attend the Doctor Who panel at Nerd HQ this year, I jumped at the chance. Initially the lineup consisted of Jenna Coleman, Michelle Gomez, and Steven Moffat, more than enough to fulfill any Whovians wildest dreams. As the cast came out onto the stage the excitement was palpable, there was a buzz in the crowd that I hadn’t felt yet for any other panel or event and I found myself getting caught up in the excitement. Very quickly they sat down and took the first question from the audience, and it was about Peter Capaldi. In fact the first question came from Peter, from backstage, who was poorly disguising his voice and in a surprise appearance burst through the curtains. The room erupted in excitedment, a mixture of love for the cast of one of their favorite shows overlayed with the positive vibes of what attending a panel at Nerd HQ also meant. Which was helping to provide smiles for children all across the world. Oh and don’t miss what Steven Moffat has to say about the possibility of a femail Doctor in the future!
Without any doubt it was another packed house, which means that $4,000 was raised for Operation Smile! That means 16 children will receive new smiles! Operation Smile is a charity dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children and young adults by providing free surgical procedures for cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities.
To find out more and donate to Operation Smile, please visit their site at http://www.operationsmile.org/ You can watch the panel in its entirety below.