Darin Scott takes Mormon theology and turns it into a late antiquity Native American tale in, ‘The Oath‘, now in theaters and soon to be on VOD.
I freely admit I have a limited understand of Mormon or Latter Day Saints theology, however, I do know that one of the ideologies
was that the belief of the lost tribe of Israel made its way to the Americas and that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He came to convert the Native Americans. Which was intriguing enough for me to want to see ‘The Oath‘, a film directed and co-written by Darin Scott (who plays Moroni).
Add Billy Zane and current National Wrestling Association (NWA) superstar, Aron Stevens, formerly known as Damian Sandow in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and my interest in seeing ‘The Oath‘ grew exponentially.
‘The Oath‘, to my knowledge is first ever full length, Mormon epic picture with a majority Native American cast.
Scott was kind enough to talk to us about how faith based films have become more profitable and grown tremendously in their ability to tell stories in comparison to the way those films were produced as little as a decade ago with the help of the series, ‘The Chosen,’ why these films are needed in todays climate and various religions can tell quality stories using their theologies to entertain audiences.
‘The Oath‘ is currently in theaters and tickets can be purchased on oathmovie.com.