FBN Cosplayer of the Month: Coregeek “It’s a family affair”

GameStop, Inc.


Name: Eric aka Coregeek

City: Seattle, WA

Twitter: @coregeeknet

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coregeekcc

What was your first Cosplay Experience?

The first time I visited Emerald City Comicon. My oldest daughter (http://fezhead11.tumblr.com, @fezhead11 on Twitter) and I attended, we saw some really fantastic costumes. My daughter asked if she could go the next year in costume. The following year she and her younger sister (http://the-ginger-snapp.tumblr.com) went a Daleks from Doctor Who. We’ve been frequently going to cons since.

How long have you been Cosplaying?BabyGrootCoregeek-1

I’m a little unique in that I have just started cosplaying this year. Both my daughters (now teenagers) have been cosplaying since that initial ECCC visit. My mother-in-law and I would create costumes for my girls, my wife and I would take them to ECCC.  This last year my youngest daughter asked if I’d join her in a team-up as the hilarious duo Yzma and Kronk from ‘The Emperor’s New Groove.’ I loved the idea so I decided to get into costume after watching my girls doing to for years.

on a side note: This last year my 70 year old father-in-law decided, on his own, to join us at ECCC as Carl Fredrickson from UP. My wife decided to go as his wife Ellie. So my whole family has gotten involved over the past year. The group picture is all of us at Portland’s Rose City Comic Con last month.

What does “cosplay” mean to you?

This might sound trite but friendship. There is such a great camaraderie in the community. I’ve met so many incredibly talented and friendly people (in person and online) since I’ve dove head first into this crazy hobby. Overall it’s just a blast to put on a costume and have fun being a character and help bring a smile to brighten someones day.

I also really love the maker community surrounding cosplay. I enjoy building things so it’s fun to meet with other builders and talk about various creations and learn how they accomplished things.

Fezhead11_coregeeknetLokiWhat is your favorite cosplay you have worn/created?

Well, Kronk is really the only costume I’ve worn and he’s such a fun character to be. People just love both he and Yzma which was something I was not expecting the first time we wore them. People from across a crowded room will just blurt out, “Pull the lever Kronk!” It’s so much fun to have so many people come and tell you that you’ve reminded them of how special that movie was to them.  ENG is my favorite Disney animated film BTW.

On the creation side it’s the King Loki costume that my mother-in-law I created for my oldest daughter. It’s the first armor project I’ve built. I spent 3 months in my spare time building it and I really love how it turned out. My mother-in-law created all of the clothing and I did the rest. There’s a lot of detail the that costume including 1800 zipper stops that I individually hand crimped on the jacket and tunic. All of the armor including the helmet is created from Worbla. When my daughter is Loki at a con people walk up to her and totally freak out like she’s the real deal. It’s so much fun to watch.

Loki Helmet build link: http://coregeek.wordpress.com/2014/03/02/working-with-worbla-king-loki-build-helmet/

Loki Staff build link: http://coregeek.wordpress.com/2014/05/13/working-with-worbla-king-loki-build-staff-scepter/

 Do you plan on making a career out of cosplay?

Not particularly. Costuming seems like a hard way to earn money my hat is off to those who have/do however. Now, if I could quit my day job and get paid to make awesome props for people, I’d definitely consider it. I have started taking limited commissions on prop work this past year.

If you had unlimited resources, what Cosplay would you create?

If those unlimited resources included time I would love to build a Jeager from Pacific Rim along with two pilot suits for my daughters. I think to would be fun to walk around a con with coordinated movements with them behind me a few feet.

What advice would you offer others trying to break into Cosplay?

Go for it, it’s never too late. I’m in my 40’s and my F-I-L is in his 70’s we both donned costumes for the first time at a con this year. Have fun and don’t worry about the distractions, choose a character you love and put it out there!

Anytime Costumes

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  1. Glynda November 2, 2014 Reply

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