Batman TMNT #4
In the continuing saga of the shared worlds between DC Comics’ Batman and IDW Publishing’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Dark Knight and the Heroes in a Half-Shell continue to search for a cure in the DCU from reverting back to household sized pets, Raphael has a traditional meltdown, leaves the Bat-Cave forcing Batman to search for him while his brothers harass Alfred during their pizza feast.
Little to Raph’s dismay, who accused Batman of being nothing more than a thrill-seeking, rich kid, Bats takes the sai-wielding shinobi to Crime Alley, letting him in on his tragic family history and what birthed the Caped Crusader into existence. This naturally forces this turtle to eat crow, make up with Gotham’s avenger and catch up with his siblings who detected a breach between the two worlds.
The breach that the Turtles were able to came from Ra’s Al Ghul’s lair where Shredder has sent a distress signal to their New York City, summoning Casey Jones, who brings canisters of mutagen in hopes to saves his friends, only to be jumped by the Foot Clan, taking the canisters to the horror of horrors leaving you cursing the existence of James Tynion IV with the ultimate cliffhanger!
I am a bit tired of rereading the Batman origins, but for this instance it made sense in bringing Raphael back into the fold in hopes of saving the family and stopping the Foot Clan. I continue to sing the praises of this crossover and only hope for another mini-series next year where Batman goes to New York in the Turtles’ world.
What makes this story so much fun is Freddie Williams II’s art. The facial expressions of each Turtle shows the emotional distress, the humor and fun that is this series. The intensity of Batman and the villains balance out the spirit of the Turtles and makes this one of the must-read crossovers of 2016. The only sad part is that with each issue we come closer to the end of the story and I am not ready for that yet.
Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles issue four is out today at your local comic shop and online.
Batman TMNT #4
- Story - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 9.5/109.5/10
The Verdict
One of the best crossovers of the decade. I can’t wait until Batman ends up in New York City in the next go-around.