Spoilers ahead.
The CW is going above and beyond with their DC season finales. Flash‘s mid-season finale was an emotional rollercoaster last night and Arrow’s tugged at our hearts with it’s surprise ending.
After the big crossover with Flash on last week’s episode, “Dark Waters” needed to bring back a big focus on Damian Darhk and the episode did just that by even including Darhk’s family for the Christmas festivities. Neal McDonough has been doing an amazing job as Darhk and this episode was one of his best. He’s willing to admit he’s the villain, and a charming one at that, but wants to do it in the shadows. So when Queen brought the fight to the public eye, Darhk loses his composure (one of the few times in the series) by breaking a television, kidnapped Queen’s loved ones and forced Queen to watch them die right in front of him. Darhk even had a Star Wars moment when using the Force to choke Malcolm Merlyn. For the first time however, we see Darhk defeated and I’m disappointed he was defeated in such a simple manner.
After nine episodes, Oliver Queen finally proposes to Smoak. It’s hilarious that despite Queen, known for hiding secrets, is horrible at hiding a diamond ring from his fiance. Smoak on the other hand, is her usual self being horrible at keeping secrets and had a hard time not revealing to Queen she knows about the ring. Queen’s proposal was a heartwarming moment at the end of the episode, but was cut short thanks to Darhk. With Smoak being hit by the bullets, we have yet to see if she will live. If she doesn’t, the entire dynamic of Arrow will definitely change. Either way, Queen will be out for revenge and there’s a chance he might go back to his killing ways.
An unexpected twist that leaves viewers wanting more. The biggest cliffhanger of the season.